Livegrade Studio enables live grading and integration of digital imaging processes on-set
Germany - Known for its flagship software products, Silverstack and Livegrade, Pomfort has been simplifying digital movie production workflows for over 10 years. Most recently, the German software manufacturer has extended Livegrade Studio, its leading app for live grading and integration of digital imaging processes on-set, to export 3D LUTs (Look Up Tables) directly to Brompton Technology’s Tessera SX40 or S8 processors via a network connection.
This makes use of the 3D LUT Import feature offered by the latest Tessera v3.2 software. Livegrade users can now send 3D LUTs in near real time using Brompton’s API, thus taking full advantage of Livegrade’s powerful live grading features when working with LED screens using Brompton’s Tessera processing.
Essential in applications such as image editing, film and video, 3D LUTs are used to remap the input colour values of source pixels to new output values based on data contained within the 3D LUT, thus offering a kind of colour pre-set that can be applied to images or footage. 3D LUTs are frequently used for technical and creative colour correction tasks such as display calibration, colour space conversion, on-set camera tuning, creating special effects such as monochrome or sepia, boosting shadows and highlights, or simply replicating the look of a particular film emulsion in post-production.
“Since developing and launching our very first on-set software for secure and comprehensive management of digital movie data, we were determined to make the life of digital imaging technicians (DITs) easier by supplying them with tools that directly served their needs. As the role and responsibilities of the DIT evolved, our software offerings grew accordingly and thus established themselves as indispensable components in their complex, everyday workflows,” says Patrick Renner, managing director at Pomfort.

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