Behind the Scenes marks Suicide Prevention Month
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“Underemployment, new demands in the workplace, and worry about the future are all contributing to the negative impact on mental health. The reality is that many are not coping well and reports of suicide are on the rise,” adds BTS.
Running from 5-11 September, National Suicide Prevention Week is an opportunity to learn what you can do to help those you may be concerned about on the job or at home, as well as find resources that may help you today or in the future. Visit to learn how to recognise the warning signs of suicide, as well as the five steps you can take to save a life: Ask, Be There, Keep Them Safe, Help Them Connect, and Follow Up. Practical guidance and situational examples are provided for each of the five steps.
Most people want to help if they see someone at risk for suicide, but they don’t know what to say or do, or are afraid they will make things worse or damage their relationship with the person. However now, more than ever, we need to remain vigilant to the signs that someone may be at risk. National Suicide Prevention Week also coincides with Labour Day. This Labour Day, think of those who are here now and how we can honour one another’s contribution to this industry by working toward an open conversation about suicide awareness.
Posters of the warning signs and the 5 Steps are available on the site for download in multiple sizes and in English, Spanish and French. Additionally, laminated wallet cards are available at no cost for individuals or organizations, simply email with the quantity and your mailing address.
Behind the Scenes has collaborated with other concerned organizations and individuals to create the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative. A series of tools and resources has been developed to not only help you but also assist you in helping your colleagues, friends and family.