Emily Ann Roberts shines at Bijou with Bandit
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“Emily Ann is a natural talent, period,” stated Bandit Lites chair, Michael T. Strickland. “She shared with the audience her journey of the last few years and it ended with Emily simply being exactly who she is. Emily delivers every note from her heart and the emotion attached is stunning. She is well on the way to the top of the industry and her show is a refreshing family friendly event suitable for everyone. Bandit is proud to be a part of her team.”
Bandit Lites provided a lighting system comprised of four towers outfitted with GLP X4S and Robe Robin Pointes with additional Pointes downstage and along the Bijou’s proscenium. A grandMA2 Full console provided control for the Bandit system as well as the full house lighting rig.
Bandit’s Ty Veneziano ran the lights for the concert as she serenaded the audience with her authentic country sound.
“I’m still trying to process how much this night filled up my heart,” Roberts shared online. “My hometown and the people in it have made a huge impact on my life and career. To be able to celebrate the release of my debut album with them is a memory I pray I never forget. No matter where this journey takes me, East Tennessee with always have my heart.”