Follow-Me names ACE as distributor for China
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“As an established name, marketing quality manufacturers and their products throughout China, we believe ACE is perfectly placed to promote the Follow-Me brand,” explain Gary Yates and Erik Berends, co-founders of Netherlands’ based Follow-Me. “Due to their experience and professionalism we see ACE as the ideal partner to support our growing client base in China.”
“Follow-Me is the perfect addition to our lighting product portfolio, being both a flexible and cost-effective performer tracking solution that can be deployed in multiple applications,” says ACE’s vice-president, Mr. Bingo Tso. “We are constantly looking for products that represent the future of entertainment lighting and see Follow-Me as a great addition to our portfolio on offer our live concert, event and installation clients.”
To optimise its customer service during, and after, COVID19, Follow-Me created professional video tutorials and online product demo and training sessions all accessed remotely with a visualizer. “Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive to these online sessions; they are a time-efficient way to become confident and competent on the system,” says Gary Yates. ACE now has the Follow-Me demonstration kit available at their Chinese headquarters, where ACE’s lighting specialists advise, demonstrate, train and supply Follow-Me systems.
ACE was founded in 1982 in Hong Kong and now has offices throughout mainland China. ACE exhibited the Follow-Me product range for the first time at the GET Show in Guangzhou this month.