Klotz Digital was recently awarded a contract to develop, design and install one of the most modern integrated PA installations at the new Munich Airport Terminal 2, scheduled to go in to operation in March 2003. In addition to providing flight information and other pertinent announcements to travelers, visitors and airport personnel, plus supplying background music, this system can either broadcast throughout the entire airport or can be localized, if necessary, to specific areas. Furthermore, the system allows personalized emergency bulletin broadcasts, with priority-driven repetition.

The PA system consists of 27 independently operating PA stations. All stations are connected to one another and to the central/main station via fibre optic cables. To ensure the necessary high safety standard, the entire system is fully redundant so that in case of an emergency or disaster, communication is guaranteed for all areas of Terminal 2. Each station is equipped with several Klotz Digital VADIS 880 frames for input and output connections, with digital signal processors and controllers taking care of the audio routing and communication. A separate PC-based Ethernet network, developed by Klotz Digital, is controlling all implemented system functions.

Approximately 200 configurable paging desks/terminals of various design are widely spread over the entire installation area. Each of the desks is equipped with an audio recording facility for intermediate prerecord of announcements. To control these stations and the distribution of digital audio signals, they are connected to the main PA station via Ethernet network cabling. For authentication reasons all important announcements via the PA system are automatically documented and archived within the system. A number of easily reachable fire department access desks are spread throughout the terminal, used to broadcast high priority announcements. To run a speaker system with more than 11,000 loudspeakers of various design, more than 600 power amplifiers (with 100V technology) are set to support groups of 10 - 30 loudspeakers each. The VADIS software package allows instant and intelligent system management throughout the new terminal.

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