Chauvet flows with Kameron Marlowe
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USA - Working with Stageworx AV at Kemba Live, LD Matt King kept pace with Kameron Marlowe’s multi-faceted, fast-moving show on the star’s recent tour, as he supported the music with a versatile, high-powered lightshow that moved through a wide range of looks.
Helping him accomplish this was a collection of 32 Chauvet Professional fixtures supplied by 4Wall Entertainment. Included in this mix were 18 Color STRIKE M motorized strobe-wash, 10 Maverick Storm 2 BeamWashes, and four COLORado PXL Bar 16 fixtures.
“Kameron is a very dynamic artist,” said King. “Our show can go from old school country to rock and roll really fast, so I switched between warm and cool white to guide the audience and set the tone for where we were headed. For our opener I used cool white from the tubes in my Color STRIKE Ms to drive energy though big hits and swells i