Europe - PEARLE and the European Festivals Association have published The sixth edition of the EFA RISE series, What you didn’t know about Europe - The Ultimate Cookbook for Cultural Managers, with an update on visa legislation.
Although mobility is on hold and live performance is coping with the challenges of reopening its physical doors to their artists and audiences, the sector will tour again, have residencies and co-productions as cross-border working is deeply rooted in the DNA of the live performance sector.
How we travel will be rethought. Considerations on more sustainable forms of touring are not new and have quite some supporters.
This booklet gives information on visas for the Schenghen Area, what types there are, who needs them, how and where to lodge your application as well as useful advice and tips to help visa applicants and performance hosts to navigate the process.
This new edition follows the successful synergy partnership between EFA and Pearle - Live Performance Europe started in 2014, in the context of EFA RISE, to improve general knowledge of the legal and managerial aspects of cross-border cultural cooperation and counts with similar publications on Social Security, Artist Taxation, VAT, Copyright Clearing for Live Events.
This sixth edition, Visas for Third Country National Artists Travelling to the Schengen Area – Update 2020, was officially presented by Pearle - Live Performance Europe on 29 May 2020 in the frame of the 59th Pearle Conference.
The booklet is available to download from

Latest Issue. . .