All Musik
Sweden - All Musik based in Skara, is the first rental company in Sweden to take delivery of Robe's VIVA LED spotlight, a fixture which will service their eclectic array of clients covering corporate shows, smaller music festivals and niche events.

The VIVAs are the latest Robe purchase for All Musik which is run by Alf Kjellson, former drummer and big music aficionado who has been in the industry for 37 years - all his working life he emphasises! He founded the company in 1996 and they have been at the current 12,000sq.m warehouse on the outskirts of picturesque Skara since 2012. One of Sweden's oldest cities, it is known for its ecclesiastical and educational history.

The new VIVAs, delivered by Robe's Swedish distributor, Bellalite, join All Musik's existing 12 x DLX Spots from the DL Series and 20 LEDWash 600s which are all constantly working.

Alf first invested in Robe over 10 years ago - with the ColorSpot and ColorWash 250E AT series, when that was launched - and has kept a keen eye on how the brand has been developing since.

"I made the conscious decision a few years ago to focus on fewer brands but good ones," he explained, adding that he's been dealing with Bellalite for some time and enjoys a great working relationship with the Stockholm and Goteborg based sales specialist.

"VIVA is very bright for its class of luminaire, it's excellent value for money, it's great for rock shows and music concerts, at 17Kg it's light - and so the crews love them," declares Alf.

The new lights went straight to work on the Lidk

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