USA - Bon Jovi have taken grandMA on the road. The band's 2006 Have A Nice Day tour, which was the first to carry a HD video system with it for the duration of the tour, employed a grandMA for lighting and video control. Now, Bon Jovi's Lost Highway world tour is concluding with a pair of grandMAs in tow.

"The operation of the grandMA has been similar to the last tour, but we upgraded our equipment inventory with new media servers with custom software," reports lighting director and programmer Patrick Brannon. "Our video house rack remained the same."

Brannon is convinced that: "we couldn't do what we do with any other console. As you learn and start adding bells and whistles on the outboard equipment you just add another parameter to the grandMA. grandMA enables you to build the system you need, because all the parameters are custom."

(Jim Evans)

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