Peter Brander in his studio
Denmark - Guitarist and producer Peter Brander has left his unmistakable fingerprints on dozens of the most well-known Danish rock classics.

It all started 34 years ago with the Rock Tape studio - a humble facility that quickly became the studio to be at if you wanted the right rock sound. The studio was pure analogue but the studio produced albums with such a clear sound that everyone actually believed that it was digital recordings.

"I have always been very keen in my choice of recording gear and have learnt to get the most out of it. With Rock Tape it was all based on old equipment and a good spirit to tweak it and get the noise away - so it sounded more modern", says Peter Brander.

To step out of the rock image the studio changed its name to Medias Sound Studios and began to upgrade the studio with additional mixing rooms and added a lot of new equipment and digital technology.

"Over the years we did more pop and jazz recording sessions, but luckily we maintained our positions as one of the preferred rock recording studio and with this I took the decision to move to a brand new facility to cut down to two mixing rooms and one big recording area", says Brander.

Media Sound Studio then went through a major upgrade by adding a big SSL console to the main mixing room, lots of outboard gear and upgrading their digital recording system.

In 2011 the Media Sound Studios was upgraded with a new mastering suite and recently installed a pair of RCF Mytho studio monitors.

(Jim Evans)

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