PLASA, the leading entertainment technology trade association, has issued the following statement in the wake of the tragic incident in Toronto on Saturday.

"PLASA extends its deepest sympathies to the family of Scott Johnson and our fervent hopes for the speedy recovery of those who were injured in the stage collapse in Toronto over the weekend.

"It has been the mission of PLASA's Technical Standards Program since its inception in 1994 to make the industry a safer place to work through the development of Technical Standards. As part of that program, ANSI E1.21 - 2006, Temporary Ground-Supported Overhead Structures Used To Cover Stage Areas and Support Equipment in the Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events was first released in 2006.

"Since the tragic accident in Indianapolis last summer, PLASA has focused on making the industry and governmental authorities aware that the industry has created voluntary standards pertaining to outdoor stages. Unlike many countries, which maintain a central licensing or regulatory authority, this is an especially arduous and complicated process in North America because each state/province or city may have its own regulations and enforcement procedures. It is up to these local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) to determine what safety standards, if any, must be followed. It is in the best interests of our industry if these AHJs adopt and enforce one set of standards created by the industry with the safety of everyone involved, from crews to performers to audience members, at the forefront. PLASA has also been an active participant in the newly formed Event Safety Alliance.

"PLASA has hundreds of industry professionals actively engaged in writing standards and developing certifications for the industry because they care about safety. We urge you to aid their work by making sure AHJs, producers, venues, employers and workers are aware of these standards and insist on using them."

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