ABTT to stage pyro safety training event
- Details

Equipment and devices used, demonstrated or viewed during the course include products from: Le Maitre: Pyroflash - ProStage II - Virtually Smokeless (VS) - Illusion - Skyhigh - Torch - Blakes - Viking - Theatrical Pyrotechnics - Wells - Ultratec - LunaTech - PyyroPak.
The course will provide candidates with an opportunity to keep ‘up to date’ with ‘considered best practice’ and familiarise themselves more readily with new and current regulations, alongside forthcoming UK/EU legislation.
The course will also serve as a refresher for technicians who have to produce certificates of awareness, to keep themselves ‘in date’. The candidates will also receive a comprehensive set of notes and subject to satisfactory completion of the course, will receive a certificate, signed by the tutor, and automatic enrolment with the Association of Stage Pyrotechnicians register.