Taya Kajanus (left) and Leander Browning, new recruits at Dimes & Sillitoe.
Dimes & Sillitoe, the Surrey-based PR management company, has appointed Taya Kajanus and Leander Browning to its PR team.

Taya Kajanus joins Dimes & Sillitoe from a background in TV and photography to take the role of PR support manager. She replaces Nicky Quentel who is moving to France with her family. Taya’s role will be to lend support to the PR team, dealing with enquiries, updating the company website and assisting with the general maintenance of the office. Leander Browning has joined the team as PR account manager. Leander previously worked as a music journalist for three music titles and as PR coordinator for a local authority housing association. She will be liaising with clients and the media to ensure positive publicity for all accounts held.

(Ruth Rossington)

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