The two-wire dimmer can handle up to 1000 watts of current and is input voltage independent
USA - Amber Solutions has introduced a solid-state two-wire dimmer solution that works without a neutral wire, is compatible with most types of LED lighting and offers ‘flicker-free performance with a wider range of LED bulbs and fixtures, and provides smooth, precise dimming from zero percent to max power’.
According to Amber founder and CEO Thar Casey, Amber’s two-wire dimmer architecture enables even older buildings and electrical infrastructures to provide wirelessly controlled dimming without any new wiring or construction.
“Amber’s newest solution underscores how its core technologies enable a fundamental restructuring of common electrical product architecture, significantly transforming their capabilities, reducing returns/support requirements and enhancing value,” said Casey. “Our solid-state redesign embeds intelligence that enables a substantially better quality, flickerless dimming experience in a form factor that is slimmer for easier install and is fully compatible both with existing building infrastructure and a substantially broader range of LED bulbs.”
Combining Amber’s patented solid-state AC/DC Enabler and AC Switch for digital control of electricity enables the Amber two-wire dimmer to intelligently monitor and control the flow of electricity, eliminating all mechanical pieces used in existing solutions. The results include the ability to deliver a superior dimming experience without flicker or drop-off and a low minimum wattage range to eliminate most ghosting.
“Our two-wire dimmer solution brings new technologies and functions to buildings’ previously outdated infrastructure that has been problematic for installation of smart lighting systems,” Casey continued. “As the transition to more efficient lighting continues to accelerate, our smooth zero percent to max power dimming capability will become the standard expectation.”

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