Denmark Loudspeaker manufacturer Artcoustic will host a number of live jazz sessions during this year's Copenhagen Jazz Festival at their showroom.

This event will give audiences a chance to indulge their passion and ears to some of the best jazz music in the world and listen to the music they enjoy in a luxurious setting over Artcoustic's superior audio systems, says the company.

The concept behind these sessions is to give audiences a chance to listen to music that has influenced and inspired the festival's artists over a dynamic sound system as well as allow them to here a true representation of the artists' music. "It is very satisfying to feel that we can contribute to an outstanding experience for music fans at one of the world's best festivals", stated Sture Svensson, sales manager in Copenhagen.

Throughout Friday, the 4 July to Sunday 13 July, Artcoustic's Live Listening Sessions will take place in their elegant showroom located on Holmens Kanal 7, 1060 Copenhagen K, right in the centre of town.

(Jim Evans)

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