USA - Pro audio manufacturer Audient's ASP231 has come out on top in a "GEQ Shootout". Hardened audio enthusiasts gathered together towards the end of last year to determine which was the best 1/3rd octave equalizer for use with monitor wedges, and a day of gruelling tests ensued . . .

A total of 32 graphic EQs were put through their paces but the ASP231 captured the attention of the entire panel, which described it as "very smooth and clean" and rated it as a top contender in a 'most gain before feedback with minimal EQ' test, performed with a mic and a wedge monitor.

The competition was the brainchild of Michael 'Bink' Knowles and Michael Allen, who were instrumental in coordinating the day, which drew the attention of the entire community of sound engineers and technicians that regularly visit the Live Audio Board (LAB) on the popular website.

The online results concluded that: "The Audient EQ was one of the stand-out performers at the GEQ Shootout with great precision bench specs and was very light in weight. Big blue buttons are easy to grab and the lighted strip of numbers between channels makes for better visibility. Asymmetrical narrow cut mode proved most useful for cutting individual feedback modes without cutting sound power."

For the entire results and details of the test procedures, visit the Road Dog website below:

(Lee Baldock)

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