USA - The AVnu Alliance, the industry forum that certifies Audio Video Bridging (AVB) products for interoperability, has announced the opening of its certification testing for AVB-enabled networking bridges at its appointed testing house - the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL). AVnu Certification is available to Alliance member companies.

This announcement, says the AVnu Alliance, is an important milestone in its mission to bring high-quality open-standard audio and video networking to professional AV, automotive, and consumer electronics segments. Several manufacturers have submitted AVB-enabled devices for AVnu Alliance's exhaustive interoperability and conformance testing, with more AVnu Alliance members expected to follow suit in the coming months. Products that complete the testing program successfully will receive an official logo of certification, the global seal of interoperability for devices that implement the IEEE AVB standards.

"The commencement of bridge certification confirms that the AVnu vision of truly interoperable open standard networking is becoming a reality," says Rick Kreifeldt, AVnu Alliance President and VP of Research & Innovation, Harman. AVnu Alliance's rigorous testing procedures will guarantee that only wholly compliant products receive the official stamp of approval."

• At the same time, the AVnu Alliance has confirmed its 50th member - Symphony Teleca Corporation (STC). Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, STC helps customers worldwide manage the convergence of software, the cloud and connected devices.

(Lee Baldock)

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