Canada - International art collective Workspace Unlimited has selected Barco's RLM-W6 DLP projectors to showcase its interactive exhibit in which art and architecture converge to create a surreal, immersive experience. Opening at the Musée d'art contemporain in Montreal (MACM), Canada, the exhibit RealTime UnReal utilises the projectors - supplied by Montreal-based SC Media Technologies - to merge a visitor's experience of virtual and physical spaces.

"We're excited to use Barco projectors in our challenging Hybrid Space projects, because they enable us to reveal the work's full potential in passive 3D projection," explained Thomas Soetens of Workspace Unlimited.

Barco was an early supporter of the internationally renowned collective's endeavours, sponsoring its inaugural exhibit of RealTime UnReal at the Museum of the Moving Image last January in New York. "We're honoured to continue our partnership with Workspace Unlimited - true pioneers in 'extreme' media art - as it gives Barco an opportunity to test the full capabilities of our technology," commented Mitch Stein, national channel manager for Barco Canada. "It's exciting to see how our cutting-edge capabilities translate into artistic reality in astonishing ways."

(Jim Evans)

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