USA - Award-winning Big Wave Event Productions of Roxbury, Connecticut, USA, recently added a LSC maXim LP lighting control console to its hire department. The maXim LP combined the right mix of functions, large memory capacity, reliability and elegant design, say the company. It offers 72 faders as well as the optional PaTPad moving light controller that further extends the capabilities of the console with features such as palettes, groups, presets and an effects engine.

"We purchased the LSC maXim LP console because it is reasonably priced and user friendly and the demo at LDI last year was very impressive," said Brian Winthrop, president of Big Wave Event Productions. "Since joining our lighting stock the maXim has never crashed and the tech support from the US distributors Applied Electronics has been very good."

Pictured is the maXim LP in control at a corporate holiday party at the Mystic Marriott in Connecticut. The console is controlling 20 Coemar iCyc 250 for the room wash, four Coemar LED RGB for up wash on the back of the stage, four Coemar iWash 575 LX for coloured stage wash, four ETC Source Four Jr. Zooms to light the front of the stage and four ETC Parnels to light the rear of the stage.

(Lee Baldock)

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