UK - Behind the Scenes UK has announced the inaugural members of the Ghostlight Society, the legacy giving programme that allows those who with careers in the entertainment technology industry to give back and make a lasting difference to their colleagues. Individuals can choose from a variety of options to become Ghostlight Society members including leaving a bequest to the charity in their will or naming BTS UK as the beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy.

Richard Thompson, a lighting designer at the Bingley Little Theatre as well as the Alhambra in Bradford and other area venues, was the first to sign on commenting, "When I made my last will some five years ago Light Relief was at the top of the list of organisations to benefit in the event of my death. Since then, of course, Light Relief has become BTS and to my mind has become even more important, in that it is more inclusive - being for all those involved in whatever capacity. Yes, there are lots of charities out there but none are specific to this area, irrespective of the problem(s) of the individual concerned. I have tried to give something back - BTS is part of that effort."

Simon Tutchener, the second member, works as a lighting designer in many aspects of the industry, from live music to theatre to fashion shows worldwide. Simon discussed why he became a member of the Ghostlight Society, "Over the last few years I have noticed that it is so easy for people in our industry to suddenly find themselves in positions of hardship with no obvious support. We often do not really fit into any accepted social package, which can make gaining support very difficult. I became attracted to BTS because it is aimed at people like me. I appreciate the approach of identifying the individual problem and attacking it at its source and also that BTS is run by people within our industry who are able to understand and analyse those problems and then offer real assistance."

Behind the Scenes provides financial assistance to entertainment technology professionals, or their immediate family, who are seriously ill or injured. Grants may be used for basic living costs, some medical related expenses, transportation, retraining, or funerals. Behind the Scenes assists those who work behind the curtain, behind the camera, on the road, or for companies that manufacture or supply entertainment technology products and services. The charity exists solely to aid those who work behind the scenes; it does not assist performers.

Behind the Scenes UK was created so industry members could take care of our own in times of crisis. There is no better way to show what a life in the industry has meant to you, and to ensure that future generations are cared for, than by becoming a member of the Ghostlight Society.

To learn more about Behind the Scenes UK visit

(Jim Evans)

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