Luke Bryan's Dirt Road Diaries tour plays the USA
USA - Chosen for their video and pixel-mapping abilities, 130 Chauvet Professional ÉPIX Strip and 16 ÉPIX Bar fixtures complete the design for country singer Luke Bryan's Dirt Road Diaries tour.

"The main design concept as far as the ÉPIX Strip lights were concerned was to have a way to expand our video surfaces throughout the lighting rig," said lighting designer for the tour Justin Kitchenman. "Our lighting trusses cover the width and breadth of half the arena. We wanted to create the feeling that the entire space was alive with colour and motion." Kitchenman accomplished this by adding rows of single hung strips throughout the rig and then mapping them into the full screen video. The fixtures were provided by Elite Multimedia Productions with headquarters in Memphis, Tenn.

"We were already utilising the ArKaos media server, so the addition of the ÉPIX strips was a natural marriage," Kitchenman said. "By utilizing the Kling-Net network of the media server and on-board pixel mapping capabilities we were able to place and map the strips all over our lighting rig."

Kitchenman hung vertically single strips on most of the lighting trusses, as well as on the side of I-Mag trusses. More ÉPIX Strip lights were custom-fitted to attach to and completely outline the stage thrust that extends into the audience.

(Jim Evans)

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