The OVO Energy summer party is now in its fourth year (photo: Bristol Picture)
UK - CPL, working as technical partners for event producers Bright, returned to the Mojo Active Almondsbury site near Bristol for the annual OVO Energy summer party, an action-packed day of fun and entertainment for OVO employees, their friends and family, now in its fourth year.
The project included CPL’s delivery of audio, lighting, rigging and crew for two music stages - Main and Bar - featuring live bands and a DJ line-up respectively, and there were also a few ‘specials’ around the site, including flying a 1m diameter glitter ball flown from the apex of one the conjoined tipis making up the Bar area.
The CPL team was led by Mike Radford, and they worked closely on site with Bright’s production manager Nick Diacre and their project leader, Annabel Harrison.
For the main stage, a d&b Y8 line array sound system was specified, with three flown Y8s a side accompanied by two ground-stacked V-SUBS per side, all controlled via a Yamaha CL5 console positioned side stage.
Mike and the crew installed additional RF antennas around the Main stage area this year so the wireless radio microphone signal would allow compere Rich Clarke - popular Heart Radio presenter and DJ - to roam the entire site with a radio mic, achieved using extra Shure UA870 antennas with switchable gain control and an antenna combiner which worked very efficiently, together with Shure UR4D receivers and UR2 hand-held mics.
They also utilised their new DPA wireless Core 4099 instrument mics and Sennheiser ME3N headset mics for Bath based samba aficionados Jamma de Samba and other live acts.
For lighting, CPL suppled ARRI L5-C LED fresnels as key lights for the Main Stage and the rest was a mix of Martin Rush LED PARs, MAC Aura LED washes, Claypaky Sharpy beam lights and Philips Nitro strobes which also doubled as blinders.
An Avolites Quartz console, also at side stage, was supplied for lighting control.
(Jim Evans)

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