Creative Technology worked within the imaginative 'Billboard' style set design by Pike, and constructed by Model & Scenic, to deliver a highly enterprising stage presentation for this year’s Conservative Party Conference at the Bournemouth BIC. A single screen was placed within four Scanachrome peel-back billboards which lined the 60ft ‘roadway’ of the stage, so not only could the static display change daily but also CT’s animated one.

A template of the screen was cut to fill a gap in the billboard and Creative Technology rear-projected Powerpoint slides to fill the apertures from two of their Christie X10s. Cameras were jointly supplied by CT and the BBC. While the latter provided feeds (to Creative Technology’s PPU), the TX was returned for transmission on the in-house closed circuit monitors, enabling CT to allow the conference chairman to mute sound and vision as required. "This was important," said CT’s project manager Richard Landen, "as the whole show went out live."

CT supplied Betacam playback, laptop graphics machines, a 16ft x 12ft screen as well as three Sony D-30 cameras. The analogue signal was mixed via a GVG-110 vision mixer, while the PPU also incorporated Extron SGS-408 data/video switching and a Leitch Arc 16:9 - 4:3 ratio converter. CT were contracted by the conference management company, CCOCL, with Tony Holmes acting as overall production manager.

(Lee Baldock)

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