David Rosello (left) receiving the award from José María Rosillo, a well known sound engineer and producer
Spain - "This says everything you need to know about building a strong network on the back on fantastic products," commented David Rosello who heads up the d&b audiotechnik Spanish office. Speaking after receiving a special award from Produccion Audio magazine in Madrid, he said, "We have won awards from the readers of this magazine before; in the past it has been for specific d&b products, but this award is different and I'm very proud to accept it on behalf of d&b."

Produccion Audio is exhaustive in its judging process; the first stage is a readers' vote via the internet to draw up a shortlist of three nominees for each category. From these a panel of judges makes the final decision.

"The magazine appoints the judges, a selection of the great and good from all corners of the Pro Audio industry in Spain," explained Rosello. "This is one of those outstanding contribution awards. It recognises d&b for its history and for its ability to consistently produce some of the best PA systems available. The combination of internet voting and a professional judge's panel make it a really strongendorsement from all corners of our business."

Rosello was in Madrid to receive the award with Lolo Moldes from the company Coupling, the latest Partner company in Rosello's carefully assembled d&b audiotechnik Spanish network. "This award is for all of our partners. We now have really strong, highly skilled and experienced people in every province of Spain. It's their hard work that has led to us receiving this award and for that I thank them."

(Jim Evans)

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