Celebrity Cruise Line's production <I>Land of Make Believe</I> (photo: Ben Isaac)
UK / USA - Orbital Sound reports that it has supplied the Da-Cappo DA-12 single-ear micro microphones to Qdos Entertainment, a key supplier to US-based Celebrity Cruise Line. The Da-Cappo microphones have been deployed on two of the company's Millennium-class luxury vessels, with the plan to upgrade all four in the fleet during 2011.

Qdos Entertainment is the name behind some of the lavish 'own brand' shows that are an integral part of the Celebrity Cruise Line experience. The high-end audio equipment used on-board in the 900-seat cabaret style auditoria is the responsibility of Qdos Entertainment's Steve Jonas. He selected the Da-Cappo DA-12 single-ear units to meet the demands of the Broadway-style and cabaret productions on board. Featuring an average of four to six singers, 12 dancers and an eight-piece band, the shows are typically high-energy hour-long productions.

"Although the Da-Cappo range was relatively unknown in the UK, we thought that they looked a good solution. I put several units on another show we were responsible for - All the Fun of the Fair, with David Essex - and the actors just loved them. We were equally very happy with them technically - they deliver buckets of gain and perform very well," says Jonas.

"When we upgraded the kit on the first vessel, the Summit, we immediately perceived a 60% improvement in quality and clarity. Orbital and Da-Cappo worked with us to customise the single-ear hanger design for the second vessel, the Constellation, as we found the arms were a bit big for some of the artists. The net result is great - using an adult ear hanger with a kid's boom. Each ship is now equipped with twelve DA-12s, which is more than adequate for the typical cycle of three productions on an average 10-day cruise. Everyone is pleased with the fidelity and clean sound, and from Celebrity Cruises' point of view, they are good value for money."

Other features of the Celebrity Cruises Line on-board sound systems include an EAW sound system, using KF695z and KF650z cabinets with JF60s and JF 80s for the delays, plus a full surround sound system. Celebrity Cruise Line also recently upgraded the mixing consoles to Yamaha PM2000s, and Qdos has set the shows up using the CSC show control software.

"When designing each show, we have to think very carefully about the show programming aspect," says Jonas. "We use CSC to control all the mic muting - all the shows are timecoded - as well as all the reverb changes and video triggers. It really is having to work very hard, and does the job brilliantly. In addition, the theatres are also equipped with Alesis HD24 players for the playback, together with Shure transmitters."

(Jim Evans)

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