Mark Magic Ellis Cope and Dick Hayes
UK - Sound and lighting rental company Entec Sound & Light has announced the appointment of Mark 'Magic' Ellis-Cope who joins the team in West London as head of sound.

Magic will be taking over from Dick Hayes, who will be stepping back from the fast lane at the end of July after 19 years at the sharp-end of this busy and successful operation at Entec. This is the culmination of a truly amazing career that started with maverick rockers The Who as a teenager in the 1960s.

Magic brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and contacts to the equation, and he was already an honorary part of the Entec 'family' having freelanced regularly for them over the last 10 years, working for artists like Alanis Morissette, The Who, James and others, plus high profile events like The Teenage Cancer Trust, etc.

Magic says, "I am hugely excited about working with Entec, being part of a fantastic team of real people, and helping it grow and expand on all fronts."

He is really looking forward to working with the d&b audiotechnik products on which Entec Sound's rental stock is based and for which the company is also a UK sales partner.

"Every system that Entec builds is customised to meet the clients' individual needs and fine- tuned to the highest standards - and I really share the same core values and commitment to this excellence," he states.

Dick Hayes - who will continue working in a consultancy capacity for Entec and dealing with key clients - explains that he found himself in the somewhat novel situation of being involved in the process of finding a replacement.

"I wanted someone with a great personality, excellent touring and technical experience and also preferably someone already familiar with Entec," explains Dick, adding that in additional to the professional and personal qualifications, it was essential that the 'someone' fitted in with the great atmosphere and vibe that has always been one of the company's USPs.

Magic's knowledge and experience in production was another asset, as the organisational and logistical skills needed to run a busy hire department like Entec's will crossover perfectly.

Working with Magic in the office will be Phil Waters who keeps busy with dry-hires & logistics. In the warehouse is manager Ed Shackleton and Rob Maynard, and Entec's main Technician James Kerridge is also integral to the audio division.

"Entec's founder and FD Barbara Pendleton adds that Magic will "Help strengthen and consolidate our reputation as the longest established sound and lighting hire specialist in the UK."

(Jim Evans)

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