Singapore - Broadcast company, ESPN Star Sports, recently installed iLive systems in each of its three voiceover control rooms as part of an upgrade from analogue to digital. Allen & Heath's distributor, Sindo Exports, supplied three iLive systems, comprising iDR-48 MixRacks with iLive-T112 Control Surfaces.

ESPN Star Sports covers a host of sporting events, which are translated into English, Cantonese, Hindi, Korean and Mandarin and broadcast across Asia. Live feeds come into the voiceover control rooms and certain channels from the original broadcast are muted, programmes are then translated and transmitted with voiceover material to relevant audiences.

"iLive does exactly what we need in terms of routing and it's very user friendly,' says principal engineer, Ratnadeep Bhattacharya. "It's also lightweight and compact, which is an advantage if the consoles need to be relocated in order to perform another task internally."

(Jim Evans)

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