UK - London-based FX Music, rental specialists in the corporate environment, have just invested in a Helix DN9340 digital EQ master unit and a DN9344 slave device, with the specific intent of using the system for system EQ on their corporate events.

According to FX Music’s Dave Beck, the six channels offered by the combination of the Helix master and slave together is a good template for most of their corporate work. "Generally, we require a channel each for Left and Right on the main system, and then four further channels for the bars of delays going down the room. The average capacity of the rooms we are dealing with tends to be around 1000, so we’re not talking small systems here, and it can go up to arena size. However, in corporate work, what we are always short of is space for our control equipment, and this is where the Helix system really comes into its own.

"The combination of the Helix master and just one slave gives me six channels of EQ, not to mention a whole bunch of other features, in 3U. And the beauty of it is that more slaves you add, the greater the space saving becomes, as for every 1U of rack space, you get four channels of processing. That means you can get a full-blown 24-channel monitor system in 8U with two channels to spare. Our long term plan is to invest in more slaves and possibly another master unit so that we can handle large-scale monitor applications, as well as the standard six-channel template we normally work with."

(Ruth Rossington)

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