Andrew Low joins HHB from Intent Media
UK - HHB Communications has announced the appointment of Andrew Low to the newly-created position of HHB marketing coordinator.

Low will be based in the main HHB sales office in West London and report to group sales director Steve Angel. He will be working with both HHB and Scrub to create content for the new website, produce HHB's catalogues, write and issue press releases and work with social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter amongst many other marketing related duties.

Low joins HHB from his previous position at Intent Media where he was the editor of Audio Pro International for the past four years. He is also a gigging and recording guitarist and singer songwriter with a wide knowledge of pro audio products and an audio engineering background.

"I am very lucky to join a company that is so well respected in the pro audio and broadcast communities at a time when there is so much going on in the business," Low stated. "With the new HHB website launching and big events like the London Olympics just around the corner, I have no doubt that there are exciting times ahead."

Steve Angel commented, "Andrew will help make our new website one of the most comprehensive and progressive online portals in the pro audio industry. His experience with Audio Pro will be a valuable asset to our future marketing efforts."

(Jim Evans)

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