The Omalaeti crew
Namibia - One of Namibia's rapidly blossoming and emerging brands Omalaeti continues to impress in the events arena with their HK Audio ConTour Array system purchased from authorised distributor ProAudio.

"The CTA's have received a fantastic response from the local market with the brilliant sound that the system produces and the production crew rave over its ease of use and versatility" said Andrew Sorrill, audio specialist at ProAudio. "We are expectant that the HKAudio brand will have a greater presence in the live sound market of Southern Africa because of this immense reference."

Tawanda Munyawiri, operations manager at Omalaeti Events has enjoyed HK Audio's sound and versatility through the years, having worked on all of their products, including the concert audio HK Cohedra Line Array system when he was in Zimbabwe. "With HK Audio products, I have used the whole lot from the Lucas in its initial grey colour to the Deacon, Actor and Cohedra and all have definite tonal qualities that you cannot get from any other system," he says.

(Jim Evans)

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