The rig will be used in dangerous hotspots such as Helmand province in Afghanistan
UK - Army bands regularly perform for UK troops stationed around the world, and the Royal Military School Of Music (RMSM) has now invested in portable HK Audio Elements PA systems to loan out to groups and accompany them on their travels to some of the world's most inhospitable places.

Elements is compact, lightweight, practically cable-free, sets up in seconds. Using just six individual components, or 'elements', a system for anything from a small conference PA, to a full band stage rig can be configured - ideal for the RMSM's needs in the field.

London-based Just Sound supplied RMSM with the Elements system, which will operate and loan the equipment to the British Army's bands performing around the globe. The rig will be used in dangerous hotspots - such as Helmand province in Afghanistan - where army bands play to military audiences in operating bases all over the area.

Just Sound's Pete Busby said, "Elements was very much the kind of system we were looking for RMSM, due to its modular nature. It's highly scalable, so the guys can create bigger or smaller systems depending on the environment in which they play. So they take it out to what's called a Forward Operating Base, or a FOB, as it's commonly known, and the requirement was for a sort of PA that could be easily handled on to the helicopter and then taken off the helicopter with as little fuss as possible. It needed to be of a professional quality, so Elements fell into that category very nicely due to its lightweight format and its high power considering its size."

The Elements system is designed to be compact for air portability on a variety of military aircraft, with minimum set-up time, as Pete Busby explains, "The bands will literally get on a chopper with the instruments and the PA, and quite often they actually jump off with it, so sometimes the chopper doesn't even land - just because of the nature of where they are. The way Elements slots together is a massive benefit for the guys, as it provides plenty of functionality and flexibility. The way it slots together is really good for them as well, because it reduces the need for cabling."

The RMSM now has a group of about six Elements subs, 12 top boxes and four amp modules altogether, so bands have a number of smaller systems available, or, if they've got a gig at a bigger base, they can combine a lot of the individual Elements to make a much bigger system to cover more people.

Just Sound is a London based audio company formed in 2011 and specialising in all aspects of audio system consultancy, design and installation. The company's experience is based around 10 years of work in various roles involved with audio and sound. As well the RMSM, Just Sound currently performs regular work for a wide range of clients.

(jim Evans)

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