Zircon filters provide a reliable and durable way of modifying LED lighting
UK - With LED lighting now becoming more and more common, LEE Filters has introduced Zircon - a new range of lighting filters that is designed to offer quality, consistency and, above all, durability.

It's no secret that conventional lighting filter struggles with fade times when used in conjunction with LED lighting set-ups. Zircon filters are able to circumvent this problem, thanks to a new technology that gives them an increased lifespan of up to 200 times longer than standard lighting filters.

It's not only their fade-resistant characteristics that distinguish Zircon filters from their more conventional counterparts. They are also easy to handle and fix in place, thanks to being produced on a 180-micron substrate that is more than double the thickness of standard filters.

With a selection of warming and diffusion filters in the range, Zircon filters provide a reliable and durable way of modifying LED lighting.

Designed to correct a variety of white tones, Warm Amber comes in a range of four strengths, so you can find the right one to produce the level of warmth you require.

With three different strengths, the Diffusion filters act to blur pixels when placed in close proximity to the LED chip.

(Jim Evans)

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