Light Tonight is free to view at the CX Network channel on YouTube
Australia - Light Tonight has launched on YouTube as a video news magazine for the English speaking professional lighting industry worldwide. The show runs less than 30 minutes, is "fast paced and loaded with news, reviews, interviews, techniques and equipment".

Produced by CX Network, the show caps 25 years industry publishing experience for the network which until now has produced publications and internet TV in Australia.

"When we started CX-TV in 2010, YouTube had a seven minute clip limit and was standard definition," CX chief Julius Grafton said.

CX Network established several successful internet TV shows, including Gearbox, CXtra and most recently The Hump. They have been broadly viewed on the website and are specific to the Australian market, whereas Light-Tonight is intentionally global.

A team of presenters from around the world host the show. It is directed by Australian Broadcasting Corporation veteran Chrissie McIntyre, with Cat Strom as content producer.

(Jim Evans)

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