UK - The challenge of environmental sustainability is prompting creative and collaborative responses. Increasingly, people are coming together through networks and associations to pool knowledge, expertise and resources, and enable a faster transition to low carbon and sustainable ways of living and working.

Inspired by Manchester City Council's A Certain Future strategy, cultural organisations from across the city have been working together under the banner of the Manchester Art Sustainability Team (MAST) since 2011, and have collectively achieved great strides towards the city's target to reduce emissions by 41% by 2020.

Making Creative Places Sustainable, set for 25 March, will discuss and showcase how MAST and other cultural networks from Newcastle, London and Wales, are addressing sustainability in inspirational ways, and contributing to greener, future-proof cities. A light networking lunch will be served from 1.30 - 2pm, and talks will run from 2 - 4pm. Register your place here: You are also invited to join a networking reception and public discussion on Value and Culture Buildings at the Whitworth from 4pm.

(Jim Evans)

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