The Grand Elysee Hotel in Hamburg
Germany - With its new Meyer Sound CAL column array loudspeakers, the Grand Elysee Hotel in Hamburg, Germany can now provide clarity for both speech and music presentations in the Spiegelsaal (Mirror Room) while also solving a design challenge for the large and reflective space.

"With CAL, speech intelligibility at the far back of the full room is excellent," reports Stefan Gurr, head of event and communication technology for the Grand Elysee Hotel. "Guests have commented that it is very easy to understand the presenters. And with the additional subwoofers, the system is equally suited to music reproduction."

For Gurr, CAL has solved both the sonic and logistical challenges in the Spiegelsaal as it has eliminated the need for installing ceiling loudspeakers, which would be difficult to place with the mirrors in the ceiling. "Ceiling loudspeakers would also have resulted in an uneven distribution of sound," he adds.

Two slender CAL 32 loudspeakers are paired with two MM-10 subwoofers to deliver full-bandwidth speech and music reproduction. The loudspeakers are programmed with two presets, including one for the full room length and another for when the room is sub-divided into two smaller spaces. In the divided room mode, the system is supplemented by four UP-4XP loudspeakers with IntelligentDC technology.

All loudspeakers were supplied by Amptown System Company (ASC), with design and on-site project management by Rüdiger Aue. The project was coordinated by ASC's Andreas Klöhn and Alexander Chiappa.

(Jim Evans)

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