Church technical director Derric West with volunteer Jane Luethmers
USA - A Midas PRO6 emerged the clear winner for the World Outreach Church in Murfressboro, Tennessee, US when selecting a console for its new 2,800 capacity main sanctuary. "The sound quality and navigation are unbeatable," reports church technical director Derric West.

West got to work demoing several different consoles onsite while the new sanctuary was in its design phase, swapping test consoles in an existing sanctuary every other weekend, but keeping the same mics and PA. "The console was the only variable," reports West, "and it was any easy choice once we put the PRO6 in."

Regular services are likely to include around six vocals in addition to the pastor, choir and soloists, plus contemporary bands with drums, bass, guitars, keyboard and additional vocals. West configures the PRO6 with 80 inputs to facilitate swapping bands and inputs with an internal patch. String and percussion sections are added for special occasions such as Christmas.

At Easter, the church moves temporarily to Middle Tennessee University's basketball arena to accommodate congregations of some 20,000. "We will just pack up our PRO6 and take it with us," says West. "We'll be able to store all the rehearsals settings and scenes in the weeks prior to Easter, saving hours of set up and sound check once we are set up at the arena."

(Jim Evans)

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