Australia - Phillip Island Nature Parks' Penguin Parade has transformed their audio equipment with a new Apart system throughout the entire indoor visitor complex.

Tilmex undertook the refurbishment for the legendary facility well known for its dusk Parade as thousands of Penguins waddle up the beach at the end of each day, watched by scores of visitors since the 1930's.

Phillip Island can be a particularly wild and harsh coastal environment and made the extensive choice of IP rated equipment Apart manufactures an obvious choice for Tilmex.

A great variety of Apart product (Revampss, Audiocontroll12.8, Mask speakers, Column and Sphere speakers) was installed in areas such as the Theatrette, small retail area, large retail area, rear exit to the beach, Penguin World information area, Outdoor Walk Way and entrance, café, and bathrooms.

The client has commented on the clarity of the new system and the enormous improvement for announcements and audio intelligibility.

(Jim Evans)

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