Previewed at SIB's Soundpower demo in Italy during March (see L&SI April), Proel's new Axiom vertical array system received its official launch at Frankfurt. The full-range AX 3210P cabinet is a passive, three-way, bi-amped system engineered for live concerts and fixed install sound reinforcement applications.

The cabinets feature two 10" woofers featuring ISV, or 'interleaved sandwiched voice coil' technology - and feature a die-cast aluminium basket with double ventilation for improved heat dissipation and reduced power compression. The HF section is internally divided into two sub-systems: an annular 4" film diaphragm handles the mid-range and a coaxially-mounted 2" diaphragm the high range. Frequency response is given as 63Hz to 20kHz. The cabinets measure in at 79.5cm in width, weigh 48kg each and feature a built-in flying system.

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