The Netherlands - On the eve of ISE 2011, Norway's projectiondesign is reaffirming its commitment to education by scheduling dozens of tutorial sessions on its stand during the show, and by partnering with InfoComm International to provide specialised seminars that have been independently evaluated to provide Renewal Units (RUs) for CTS certification.

During all three days of ISE 2011, projectiondesign will host a series of tutorial sessions for its distributor and end-customer partners on its stand, with the aim of bringing as many industry contacts as possible up-to-speed with the latest projection technologies and their applications. These will be hosted by the newly appointed Andre Jensen who has been promoted within projectiondesign to support the company's partner and education focus.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday 2 February, the company's David Aleksandersen will present two paid-for InfoComm education sessions - the first an Introduction to 3D Stereoscopic Imaging, the second an outline of Advanced 3D Stereoscopic Imaging Techniques. Both sessions have been approved to offer RUs for InfoComm CTS certification credentials to attending delegates.

Commenting on the company's education offering at ISE 2011, Anders L°kke, international marketing & communications manager, projectiondesign, says, "While education has always been important to us, we are putting an ever greater focus on it to support our technological innovations, and ISE is a central place for us to do that.

"This is really about meeting the needs of our partners and customers. Education is now firmly integrated into our partner programme because, just as all of our products must meet a certain technical standard, so all of our partners should have the same level of expertise when those products are released.

"Our relationship with InfoComm is proving mutually beneficial, and over the course of the coming year we aim to get more of our tutorial sessions approved for RUs, while also offering tailored education packages at many other tradeshows all over the world."

(Jim Evans)

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