The event employed d3 Technologies media servers, an extensive Clay Paky lighting rig, and Cast's BalckTrax tracking system.
UAE - Dubai-based production supplier Protec supplied HQ Creative with lighting, video and rigging for the opening ceremony of the Nad Al Sheba Sports Tournament 2015, held at NAS Sports Complex on 21 June.

The event was created using two d3 4X4 Pro servers which created the mask, blend and warp for the custom made screens as well as integrating the use of primarily Clay Paky lighting fixtures which included 24 Clay Paky Mythos and 14 Clay Paky K10 B-eye, working together alongside eight Sharpys, seven Sharpy Wash 330s and eight Super Sharpys.

The venue had to function as a sports arena post show, so the design had to take this into account, staying out of the way of overhead house lighting as not to form shadows for the TV sports broadcast and not interfere with the games being played below. The rig needed to be light weight but still pack a punch for such a dynamic and fast paced show. It also needed to be traditionally theatrical in parts which is always a fine balance between bright and beamy and slow and moody.

The stage had to be lit for TV as well as a live audience. A balance was needed between what looked good on TV but more importantly, the theatrics for both the live audience and His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai.

BlackTrax tracked the Clay Paky lighting fixtures with unlimited follow spot positions, as the entire rig could be used as follow spots if needed. This gave Protec the ability to track multiple stunt performers on BMX, In-line skates, trampolines and even a back-flipping wheelchair from any position in the room, without having to think about calling follow spot operators. With limited rehearsal time, no one missed a cue and the spots were always on point.

All elements were covered and everything was where it needed to be, on time, every time, without the possibility of human error. The stage was bright and vibrant with just the right amount of technology succeeding in the complicated mix of live TV versus traditional theatre.

Protec has been using BlackTrax successfully ever since it acquired the system from Cast Software last year. The company is the first in the Middle East industry to acquire the product and has been using it regularly ever since with great success.

Overall the event was a success with great feedback from both the client and customer, say Protec.

(Lee Baldock)

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