The Vari*Lite VL2000 Spot luminaire
UK - Since Soccer AM first aired in 1995 it has developed a cult following with features such as Crossbar Challenge, Away Days, Taxi and Third Eyes plus the Soccerettes.

Despite the longevity of the show, it has always remained relaxed, spontaneous and funny which is a credit to the team and the presenters Helen Chamberlain and Max Rushden.

Behind the scenes you just sense that there is a group of colleagues that can call themselves friends and know how to have a laugh together. This is made all the more obvious with their annual Dance Off.

Long standing LD Malcolm Reed designs the lighting show which is supported by Richard Martin Lighting (RML). Although the lighting is relatively minimal for the feature, Malcolm always makes and point of changing the fixtures every year so that there is a different look. This year he went for the Vari*Lite VL2000 Spots.

"The VL2000 Spot luminaire is based on the ground breaking technology used in some of the most popular and innovative spotlights in the history of automated lighting. TheVL2000 Spot luminaire features an upper enclosure that houses the control electronics as well as a power factor corrected arc power supply for the 700 watt short arclamp. The VL2000 Spot luminaire also features a zoom lens system and rotating gobos. The luminaire is small, fast, lightweight and virtually silent."

(Jim Evans)

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