UK - Robe's new ColorWash 2500E AT moving light fixture is the sister of the ColorSpot 2500E AT and Robe's most powerful wash unit to date.

It is designed for use in large lighting rigs and for venues and installations of all types needling a really punchy moving light effect. It is also suitable for outdoor applications including washing large surface areas (like walls and buildings), and as a searchlight effect.

The ColorWash 2500E AT is fitted with the Phillips MSR Gold 1200 FastFit lamp and a 1400W electronic ballast for the flicker-free operation demanded by TV and fashion environments. The unique optical system maximises brightness and features a high luminous glass reflector.

The colour facility includes both CMY and CTO colour mixing systems and two colour wheels, each with 6 'slot+lock' colour options plus open, offering plenty of variety, from the richest saturates to the subtlest pastels, including 63 colour macros.

Each colour wheel rotates at variable speeds in both directions. There's an option for 'random colour' selection via audio input, or for straightforward 'auto random' colour selection.

The dimmer/shutter unit encompasses the full range of dimming and also produces a highly effective variable-speed strobe effect of 1- 12 FPS. Variable 'random pulse' effects can be activated via pre-programmable macros.

The unit is controlled, set and addressed via Robe's Navigation System (RNS) which features a practical, easy-to-read graphic LCD display, two control buttons for the control wheel and comes complete with inbuilt demo sequences.

(Jim Evans)

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