Production manager Derek Steinman (left) and monitor engineer John Riley
USA - The Summerland Tour, previously hailed by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the "10 Hottest Summer Package Tours", returned this year with Allen & Heath iLive digital mixing systems managing FOH and monitor positions.

Now in its fourth year, the annual Summerland tour is devised by Art Alexakis, front man of popular 90s alternative rock band, Everclear. This year's tour comprises Everclear, Toadies, Fuel, and American Hi-Fi, travelling across North America to over 30 different venues.

Alexakis gives credit to the iLive systems - comprising iLive-T112 Control Surfaces and iDR-32 MixRacks - for playing a key role in the success.

"We have used Allen & Heath for the last couple of years and the sound has just been phenomenal. I am so glad to be able to use them on every tour," says Alexakis.

"We carry two Allen & Heath iLive T-112 surfaces and two iDR-32 mix racks for FOH and monitors. The board sells itself, and I can just hit the ground running. This console allows me to be connected to the band and get a focused mix at the same time," said Derek Steinman, production manager/FOH of Everclear/Summerland Tour.

(Jim Evans)

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