UK - The centre for Performance in Aberystwyth in Wales is organizing a Symposium on the stage and lighting designers Edward Gordon Craig and Adolphe Appia entitled Sculptors of the Modern Stage - light / shadow / architecture. The symposium will include talks, workshops, films and presentations at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth from 5-7 December 2003. The event is produced in association with the Scenography department at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Edward Gordon Craig was a theatre designer, actor, visionary and the first British theatre artist to write a book of theatre theory. Rejected by the British theatre establishment he was embraced by the French and the Russians, most notably Stanislavski. Adolphe Appia was a Swiss designer and philosopher of theatre, and the first to write about theatre as a visual art form. In his collaboration with the Swiss choreographer, Dalcroze, he instigated a revolutionary approach to movement and scenography.

The event will include contributions from Richard Beacham, Christopher Innes, Henryk Jurkowski, Michael J. Walton, Harvey Grossmann, Mischa Twitchin, Christopher Baugh, Ruth Mandel, Irene Eynat-Confino and Kirsten Dehlholm.

For more information on the symposium and to find out how to join contact the cpr on the website below.

(Sarah Rushton-Read)

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