The mapped content was designed to represent the four seasons of the Aso Caldera region
Japan - Tempest has helped to produce an eye-catching projection mapping installation at Kumamoto Station. At Aso Caldera Hike near the busy station, visitors were able to walk through the representation of a circular caldera - a large volcanic crater - and experience a spectacular show of light and imagery in a relaxation spot in the city.
A custom Tempest Cyclone outdoor projector enclosure installed high up on a nearby building balcony protects a Barco UDX-4K32 projector with a Dynamic Projection Institute Mirror Head, enabling mapping coverage of the entire caldera. The project was carried out S.C.Alliance, with technical direction from Bassdrum.
S.C.Alliance has used Tempest outdoor enclosures successfully for several years in a variety of installations, and the Cyclone enclosure was supplied by Tempest’s Tokyo-based distributor TSJ. “At the ISE exhibition, we spoke with Tim at Tempest, and learned about the UDT lens support and custom enclosures,” says an S.C.Alliance representative. “This time, we decided to adopt a custom enclosure because it was the best solution for our project, which had installation constraints and required a large dynamic projection range.”
The mapped content was designed to represent the four seasons of the Aso Caldera region within the circular 24m diameter installation, covering an area of 600sq.m. Revellers can walk between the colourful illuminated circular screens and enjoy some respite from hectic urban lives.
“I loved the idea to create an oasis in a busy urban environment, and the team at S.C.Alliance and all partners did a fantastic job to create such a captivating project,” says Tim Burnham, Tempest’s president. “The Cyclone enclosure was a suitable choice for this application to protect the large format projector, and the innovative mirror setup from Dynamic Projection Institute was important to achieve the required coverage from a single projector. As all the technology involved can be reused, it opens up a host of additional installation possibilities for S.C.Alliance to use in the future, strengthening return on investment.”

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