UK - Sennheiser Scholarship student Alyssa Bonagura has just released her first commercially available CD, which can now be downloaded directly via iTunes.

Bonagura, a third year student studying BA (Hons) in Sound Technology at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts (LIPA), was helped on her musical journey by her Sennheiser Scholarship, which began at LIPA over ten years ago and has since supported many students' entries into the highly competitive world of the music industry.

"We're delighted to hear how well Alyssa is progressing at LIPA and in the industry," said Sennheiser UK general manager Phil Massey. "It's important for us that the next generation of performers and audio professionals learn their trade using Sennheiser equipment. That's why we've been committed to the Scholarship programme for over ten years. Artists like Alyssa prove that our investment is money well spent."

(Jim Evans)

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