Non celebrity amateur dance ‘dreamers' are paired with celebrities and have to demonstrate their talents in various dances (photo: Louise Stickland)
Argentina - Bailando por un Sueno (Dancing For a Dream), a segment inside the wider Showmatch programme on El Trece (Channel 13), is one of the most popular reality / talent series on Argentinian TV.

For the latest series, lighting designers Pablo Leguizamon AKA 'La Nutria' and Esteban Leguizamon specified Robe Robin Pointes to help capture the action.

The series ran its ninth season in 2014, produced by Ideas del Sur, it was recorded in Romina Yan Studio in downtown Buenos Aires in front of a very enthusiastic live audience of 500. Non celebrity amateur dance 'dreamers' are paired with celebrities and have to demonstrate their talents in various dances, which have included K-POP and Aquadance. In addition to their dancefloor skills they also have a chance to interest viewers and the cameras with various extra-curricular activities of their choice. This is a random twist away from other dancing contests ... But it certainly keeps the ratings up!

Lighting for the series was supplied by PRG Argentina. The total number of Pointes peaked at 48 and was modified week-to-week according to the needs of other programmes being recorded in the same studio.

Series' lighting director Ruben Abeldano has been impressed with how the Pointes handled the intense work schedule, running constantly for around eight hours during the shoot days ... often without air conditioning. They have had no problems at all with the fixtures over the nine month period during which Bailando was enthralling viewers.

The fixtures took the humidity and condensation of one water-themed episode in their stride - a full pool was installed in the studio, complete with rain effect showers overhead, so the dancers could perform in these when wet.

Lighting was programmed on a grandMA full size by Esteban and Pablo Leguzomon, and run by Esteban for the series.

(Jim Evans)

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