Ligra installs Nexo at Milan’s Circle
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When it comes to the party element, it’s all about good tunes and quality sound, delivered at Circle by a Nexo ePS system, designed and installed by Vigolzone-based AV solutions providers Ligra.
“The client and manager of the venue is also a DJ and expert audiophile who already knows the Nexo brand and appreciates its products,” reports Francesco Pino, Ligra systems engineer.
“The brief was to design and install a new, reliable and high-performing system for a venue that hosts a lot of social events and, above all, club nights where DJs perform with audiences of up to 600 people.”
Using Nexo NS-1 software tools to configure and predict performance, the team at Ligra designed a system to deliver consistent SPL and frequency range coverage for the main and two private rooms, separated by sound-absorbing curtains.
A total of seven ePS12s are deployed in the main room with LF performance extended by four eLS18 subs. Smaller ePS8s are installed in the private rooms with amplification and processing provided by a pair of Nexo NXAMP4X2Mk2s, each delivering 2500W on four channels along with loudspeaker control, remote management and protection.