Torus solution for Dominion Church in Iowa
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Based in Brooklyn Park, MN the integrators opted for a Torus constant curvature array solution after their engineering team had reviewed a number of possibilities.
According to AVE sales consultant, Kerry Graffunder, the church’s existing PA had reached end of life and was no longer delivering the coverage or clarity required from a worship establishment that is just 25 years old. “The pastor merely requested some ‘thump in the trunk’ … and the intelligibility has greatly increased also,” he said.
This result was obtained by hanging a pair of Torus, left and right of the stage, with a Blackline X218 subwoofer in the centre. Nearfield coverage is provided by a pair of Martin Audio’s differential dispersion DD6 under two angled scrims at the front of the stage. The new set-up is powered by a pair of Martin Audio’s iKON iK42 multichannel power amps.
Project lead, Karl Selander, explained how they had arrived at this solution. “We have many different HoW installations using [Martin Audio] CDD point source under our belts, but this was our first time wetting our feet with Torus. We had not really had an opportunity to explore the TORUS line previously, but when we looked at the different options, it was clear that a CDD solution wasn’t the right fit for the room.”
Instead, by placing a T1215 (15° vertical pattern atop a T1230 (30°) he knew he could get both the throw and width of coverage in an 80ft x 80ft square room (particularly as due to the 17ft stage thrust the net coverage area for congregants was little more than 60ft).
The technical upgrade was undertaken in two phases, with a new mixing desk and control up on the balcony, forming the first phase, and the ‘racks and stacks’ following in phase two.